Friends Photo Gallery of The Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge

Photo gallery

Enjoy the Friends photo gallery of the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge with links to posts and pictures of all the amazing volunteers and wildlife. Photos are the words of this page and tell our story in a beautiful way.  Links to posts may be followed as you mouse over the photos and click on the highlighted links. Select pictures by subject category also in the heading line. The Mute Swans are one example of the pleasant surprises that you may find on your tour and they even posed nicely for our photographers.

Just seen at the Refuge! Recent Mute Swan sighting on a December Birding Tour.


Sea life the other wildlife of the Refuge-portfolio

Sea life of the salt marsh Portfolio Sea life the "Other Wildlife" Peter Haaker and Marty Golden, Biologist Docents Although most people come to enjoy the many different species of [...]

California Least Tern Season April through July