California Native Plant Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Native Plant Photo Gallery of plants and flowers native to California and found at the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge or in the Refuge’s Native Plant Garden. Photos portray some of the beauty that can be discovered and explored on a visit to the Refuge. Not everyone will be able to visit at the peak of the annual spring bloom, but the plants don’t mind and conveniently offer a distinctive look for each season. Summer season blooms are also quite attractive and have many fans of the plants golden colors.

Native Plants attract Natives

California Native Plants are what native birds, animals and pollinators search for in Orange County’s modern urban landscape. The Native Plant Garden at the Refuge had California Native Plants introduced to its 3.5 acres, in 1997 and it has been growing ever since. As the garden has matured, more and more species of birds, pollinators and animals have made it home. Some California species can only exist in a habitat of Native plants. In this gallery see beautiful plants and a small garden that attracts and supports many species. You may become inspired as well and want to go “Native” planting your own habitat.